R MULL at The Supreme Court Disciplinary Board received my complaint on September 11, 2006, 12:29 pm, LEMOYNE, PA 17043. This is what I sent pursuant to:
E. STATEMENT OF COMPLAINT: (Note: Attach as many additional pages as necessary to fully set forth all of the relevant facts and circumstances surrounding your complaint).
1. On March 16, 2006 Magistrate Sean P. McGraw, Esquire, District Court 45-3-03, Carbondale, Lackawanna County, in response to my February 13, 2006
ex relatione,
quo warranto opportunity to privately resolve a
justiciable claim, claim of conusance/claim of cognizance, entered a “NOT GUILTY” plea and the sum of “$.00” for each of thirteen (13) criminal convictions pursuant to the
Pennsylvania Title 75 Motor Vehicle code.
2. On April 17, 2006 each of the thirteen (13) Dockets; TR-0000155-06, TR-0000158-06, TR-0000162-06, TR-0000160-06, TR-0000157-06, TR-0000164-06, TR-0000165-06, TR-0000166-06, TR-0000159-06, TR-0000161-06, TR-0000163-06, TR-0000153-06, and TR-0000154-06, were fully accepted and returned for value with the additional request that the title be released and the account closed.
3. On May 1, 2006, contrary to the jurisdictional facts and evidence presented by City of Carbondale Officers Reed and Fofi, Magistrate Sean P. McGraw, Esquire presumed jurisdiction, repudiated his not guilty pleas, and convicted me of twelve of the thirteen aforementioned dockets.
4. On May 8, 2006 I motioned the court for IFP status (enclosed) and filed with the court of common pleas, Lackawanna County, to appeal Magistrate McGraw’s breach of duty and his twelve (12) criminal convictions pursuant to the Pennsylvania Title 75 Motor Vehicle code (enclosed).
5. The Numbers for the Thirteen (13) Dockets originally in controversy; TR-0000155-06, TR-0000158-06, TR-0000162-06, TR-0000160-06, TR-0000157-06, TR-0000164-06, TR-0000165-06, TR-0000166-06, TR-0000159-06, TR-0000161-06, TR-0000163-06, TR-0000153-06, and TR-0000154-06, were, upon submission of a “Notice of Appeal from Summary Criminal Conviction,” given Docket Numbers; CP-35-SA-0000064-2006, CP-35-SA-0000065-2006, CP-35-SA-0000066-2006, CP-35-SA-0000067-2006, CP-35-SA-0000068-2006, CP-35-SA-0000069-2006, CP-35-SA-0000070-2006, CP-35-SA-0000071-2006, CP-35-SA-0000072-2006, CP-35-SA-0000073-2006, CP-35-SA-0000074-2006, CP-35-SA-0000075-2006, and CP-35-SA-0000076-2006. Submitted to each Docket was a copy of the acceptance of Magistrate McGraw, Esquire’s “not guilty” plea.
6. Janet L. Dolan, Director Bureau of Driver Licensing, failed to respond to a May 22, 2006, Certified Mail #70051820000818337944, wherein Fiduciary, Dolan, was asked to provide the “wet ink” “valid” documentation of my contractual obligations with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Transportation, Bureau of Driver Licensing that would substantiate the Commonwealth's claim that I had a current “driving record” upon which her actions could be taken. (Copies of these two correspondences are enclosed.)
7. On 7/10/06, knowing the disposition of the 1987 Toyota Camry that was impounded by Officer James Reed on February 1, 2006, was on appeal and the title in controversy, and that he did not rebut my full acceptance of his “Not Guilty” plea, Magistrate Sean P. McGraw participated with City of Carbondale Police Officer Joseph A Demchak, Badge #101, in the issuance, and conviction of Docket No.: TR-0000860-06. A conviction that was predicated on Citation No.: B3206329-0 with the remark in block “62;” “Title request by G & G Towing.” (Thirteen pages attached.)
8. On August 4, 2006, Lackawanna County, District Attorney, Andrew J. Jarbola, III, implied in his letter regarding my appeal that he was a judge, and that his office was the “one court of common pleas” in the Lackawanna County judicial district when he stated in that letter that the hearing for my appeal would be in his office on August 22, 2006 at 9:30 a.m. and that my failure to appear may result in automatic dismissal of my case by the Court. (One page attached.)
9. District Attorney, Jarbola, failed to respond to my August 11, 2006 faxed (570-963-6725) request that he provide to me proof; that he qualified as a judge, that his court is the “one” court of common pleas for Lackawanna County, and that there were (in my case) “exceptions” that would preclude my appeal from being heard by a bona fide court of common pleas judge. (Two pages attached.)
10. On August 22, 2006 the court of common pleas Judge, Vito Geroulo did not allow me to present my appeal. (Eighteen page appeal; claim of conusance/claim of cognizance Petition for Review attached.)
11. On August 22, 2006, without hearing my appeal, court of common pleas Judge, Vito Geroulo, signed Lackawanna County District Attorney Andrew J. Jarbola, Esquire’s, “ORDERED and DECREED” guilt and stated fines for eight (8) of the thirteen (13) repudiated citations.
12. Attorney Andrew J. Jarbola, Esquire’s August 4, 2006 letter to me, and his subsequent August 22, 2006 “ORDER” “IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF LACKAWANNA COUNTY”, suggests a treasonable collusive action that precluded my right to appeal the substantive issues that remain in controversy: First and foremost among those substantive issues are fundamental matters of jurisdiction and title. (“ORDER” attached.)
13. District Attorney Andrew J. Jarbola III, Esquire’s actions clearly exceeded the limits of his canons; i.e., “Code of Professional Responsibility,” and in so doing Attorney Jarbola perpetrated fraud upon Judge Vito Geroulo, and the court with conduct so egregious that it interfered with the task of fair and impartial adjudication of the substantive issues brought before it on appeal. District Attorney Jarbola’s violations in this instance is worthy of full investigation by the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania for such disciplinary actions they shall deem advisable.
* * * * * * * * * * * * To the right is the letter from District Attorney Jarbola's office.
Below is how the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania handled this complaint and the follow-up fax and e-mail inquiry. You, the reader, be the judge. Do our complaints to the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania actually reach the members of that Board? 

HERE for an overview of this, and other, controversies.