Even though Article 1, Section 11 of the Pennsylvania Constitution states "All courts shall be open; and every man for an injury done him in his lands, goods, person or reputation shall have remedy by due course of law, and right and justice administered without sale, denial or delay . . . ", it is increasingly evident that agents of the Pennsylvania Commonwealth has failed to put in place a procedure to adequately protect an inhabitant's Article 1, Section 1 "inherent and indefeasible" right to enjoy and defend "life and liberty, of acquiring, possessing and protecting property and reputation, and of pursuing . . . happiness" without submitting to the racketeering activities of an organized and extensive group of people who promulgate rules designed to extort money or advantage in a collusive manner to further an enterprise that is owned or controlled by those engaged in such activity. This reply from the Office of the Inspector General should shock the senses of all American's who believe that "all free governments are founded on their authority and instituted for their peace, safety and happiness."
A similar letter was received
from the Office of the Pennsylvania Attorney General.
The letter responded to by the OIG is below.
April 30, 2007
Attorney General, Tom Corbett
Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General
Strawberry Square
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Dear Attorney General Corbett:
As you will recall, on January 10, 2006 I requested your investigation, and subsequent reinvestigation(s), into the debt collection practices of unidentified Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agents, employees of an unidentified “Department of the Treasury”, that continues to embezzle money belonging to me after I had lawfully come into its possession and control, and voluntarily, to my knowledge, off-set the alleged debt. The off-set debt alleged appears to have been reassigned to various instruments created by SSN/EIN/TIN: xxx-xx-xxxx. I had anticipated your prompt attention to this matter and that you would direct fiduciary agents of the “Department of the Treasury” to issue to the location below a certified check made out to VERONICA A HANNEVIG for $15,489.22.
On March 27, 2007 I filed an additional complaint to your subordinate Scranton OAG with regard to the Social Security Administration’s obligation to honor its agreement to me rather than participating in what appears to be a pattern of criminal activity on the part of a well organized and extensive group of people who engage in monetary transactions derived from fraudulent conveyances and sales of securities.
During this past year, other matters brought to the attention of your office by me included, and were not limited to, controversy over ownership of an automobile (VIN# JT2SV21E6H3142887 on which I continue to contract insurance coverage through Allstate Insurance), property theft (a metal flag), and obstruction of justice. City of Carbondale Police Officers and its Mayor, owners of G&G Towing, Magistrate Judge, Sean P. McGraw, District Attorney, Andrew J. Jarbola and Court of Common Pleas Judge, Vito P. Geroulo have participated in this activity and each have ignored my pleas to identify the absolute owner of the 1987 Toyota and who holds its marketable title. An undeniable, organized pattern of racketeering and wagering appears to have emerged in each of these instances, and I am wondering why you and your staff continue to be silent on these matters of such importance to the commonweal of our nation?
As you know ORGANIZED CRIME is a criminal activity on the part of an organized and extensive group of people, and RACKETEERING is defined as 1: the extortion of money or advantage by threat or force 2: a pattern of illegal activity . . . that is carried out in furtherance of an enterprise . . . which is owned or controlled by those engaged in such activity.
Silence on these matters suggests a bias by agents of your office to protect and defend the business-as-usual activities of a syndicate of investors that promulgates statutes specifically designed to (for lack of a more precise word) ‘re-venue’ a nation of previously voluntary creditors, like myself, into an assumed condition of servitude to agents of their (now) ‘debtor’ cartel. It would be disingenuous of you to pretend that the historic facts about the feudalistic economic controls attendant with ‘colony planting’ magically disappeared at the constitutional convention of 1787. Failure to confront such grandiose and despicable ‘bait-and-switch’ oligarchic activity appears to be seditious at best. What prohibits you from protecting and defending the man or woman who recognizes the fraud and chooses not to participate in it?
Cc: Inspector General, Donald L. Patterson
Judge, Vito P. Geroulo – By Fax 570-496-7708